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Coin holder - oval. Spot color screen print guaranteed permanent; 9 translucent and 10 opaque product color options; durable high gloss finish; direct mail option available; Made in USA; always in stock; product safety compliant; low cost, quality advertising; 4 stock shapes; baby boomer memory trigger advertising; youth brand retro appeal. Original design.

  • Material: Vinyl
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 7 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Shape:
  • Price Includes: one color, one side imprint


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 250500100025005000
Unit Price$1.10$0.99$0.92$0.88$0.87

Sof-Touch Quikoin - Coin holder - oval. Spot color screen print guaranteed permanent. - 2000

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1.32" x 1.96", .539" x 1.874"
  • Ship Weight:Varies by quantity selected. Contact factory for quotes.
  • Spot Color

    List Price$44

    List Price$26.22

    List Price$15

    List Price$10.25

  • Specify split or plain side imprint. Plain side will be used if imprint location not specified on order.

    Plain side., Split side.

    Neon colors require a 2nd color of white for imprints on all products other than white. Signature ink has a matte surface suitable for writing with ball-point pen or permanent marker. Default stock colors will be used if no PMS number is specified on purchase order.

    Gray Signature Ink, White Signature Ink

    Print on the split side of the round quikoin - except for the bowling graphics, which print on the plain side.

    Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Soccer

    Sports schedules are frequently used on the opposite (plain) side of a sports graphic Quikon™.

    If schedule is requested, a sports schedule layout charge will apply. A football stock graphic is available for us on the split side of the Quikon™ and an applicable second side imprint charge. Purchase order must clearly specify.

    Excessive typesetting for sports schedule:

    List Price$50

    Typesetting sports schedules:

    List Price$22

    Additional Colors

    List Price$0.11$0.1$0.09

    Price Includes: per color. Limited to 1 color on split side and 3 colors on plain side.

    Additional Color

    Second Side

Mixed media StoryPacs™ using magnets tell and refresh your branding story. Delivered by direct mail or in-person, StoryPack™ lasts longer to make your story stick.

Large Folded Card:

List Price$1.93$1.51$1.29$1.17$1.13

Narrow Folded Card:

List Price$1.93$1.51$1.29$1.17$1.13

Small Folded Card:

List Price$1.52$1.09$0.87$0.75$0.71

Optional chain

List Price$0.12

Heavy duty chain for Quikoin

List Price$49

Exact Quantity

Data Option

List Price$0.14

List Price$44

Variable Data