

Production Time: 1-2 business days, Imprint Method: Unimprinted - Enjoy our soft, warm, and yarn-dyed steel blue wool blanket that retains its vibrant color for years and is conveniently machine-washable. This Wool Acrylic Finish blanket is perfect to wrap yourself up in or drape on your sofa for a cozy feel all year round. Soft and stylish and the perfect durable throw blanket to use inside to add some wow to your space or outside by the fire or while tailgating. Extremely Cozy and Comforting. Made By 50% Wool/50% Acrylic, Features The Good Quality And Higher Strength, Durability And Appearance With Unique Characteristics. Also Has Good Shape Retention, High Strength And Recovery. Usage: Executive gift, holiday gift, premium and incentives, boating, chalet, cottage, high-end gift, luxury blankets, sport events, patio, wedding, birthday.

  • Material: 50% Wool / 50% Acrylic
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 1 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: blank goods only; for customization options and minimums please contact us.


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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 1
Unit Price$29.98

Production Time: 1-2 business days, Imprint Method: Unimprinted - Wool Blanket Deluxe, 50x60, with Lasered logo patch, NO SETUP CHARGE - BL718

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:Laser Patch Size: 3.5"W x 2.5"H, Max Imprint: 2.5"W x 1.75'H
  • Ship Weight:17 lbs
  • Unimprinted

Exact Quantity Option

List Price$25

Exact quantity shipping

Private Label Option

List Price$0.63

Price Includes: each - minimum 100 pieces

Private labeling