

Production Time: 1-2 business days, Imprint Method: Unimprinted - Use our Stock Plaid Designs for this gift blanket or provide your own. You can also add logo(s) and message. Wrap yourself in our Sherpa lined micro mink throw blanket, very warm and cozy. This is our largest sized blanket, perfect for a Queen size bed or to drape over a couch. Add your billboard message for a complete branded blanket. Usage: Corporate Gift, Work from home Essential, Cottage Life, Corporate events, Camps, Teams, Parting Gift.

  • Material: Micro Mink Polyester-Faux Wool
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 1 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: blank goods only; for customization options and minimums please contact us.


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 1
Unit Price$56.65

Production Time: 1-2 business days, Imprint Method: Unimprinted - Stock Plaid Design Plush Sherpa Lined Micro Mink Throw, 60"x80", Sublimated - BL680

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:Max Imprint: 60" x 80"L
  • Ship Weight:20 lbs
  • Unimprinted

Exact Quantity Option

List Price$25

Exact quantity shipping

Private Label Option

List Price$0.63

Price Includes: each - 100 pieces minimum

Private Labeling