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Surprise your clients with something new and unique like this custom walking Ad Inflatable display! It fully inflates around a person who can then walk around and interact with others. It's lightweight, quick and easy to put on, and comes complete with a battery operated, 12-volt blower, an ergonomically designed battery pack with a battery charger, and a handy carrying case. Sizes start at 7 feet tall. Use this to make a big impression on people. Get a hold of new customers when you show what you can do!

  • Material: Canvas
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 25 business day(s)


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Custom walking Ad Inflatable display that a person can put on and walk around in. -

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:
  • Ship Weight:No orders shipped C.O.D. For Split shipments to 10 or more addresses, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with full address information must be supplied. Additional lead time may be required for split shipments. Shipping weights are an approximation.
  • Unimprinted