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Post-Consumer Logoed Merchandise for Green Ad Campaigns

If you're trying to find a way to align your business' marketing initiative with the green movement and environmental friendliness, you're making a wonderful decision! However, we understand that you may be skeptical. Perhaps you've heard that the selection is scant when you limit yourself to ecofriendly promotional products. Perhaps you've heard that prices rise astronomically when you choose green imprinted items. Perhaps you're afraid that these products don't function as well as their traditional counterparts.

If you're nervous about any of these factors, we're excited to be the bearers of great news. You have nothing to worry about! iaspromotesshop.com offers an incredible selection of high quality eco promotional products at low prices! Check out our page highlighting environmentally friendly products for under $1 to see just how affordable green logoed products can be!

Now, maybe you're feeling overwhelmed by the incredible selection you've just discovered? If so, begin by considering recycled, post-consumer promotional products. These imprinted items take advantage of the massive amount of materials and substrates that can be reused to craft wonderful promotional merchandise. Repurposing materials that would otherwise end up in the landfill is one of the most important ways that all companies can make a contribution to our world's sustainability.

Recycled Paper Notebooks Recycled Chipboard Binders Recycled Plastic Sports Bottle

iaspromotesshop.com offers customized products made from an abundance of different materials. You're probably familiar with the most frequently reused materials, including plastic, paper, acrylic, newspaper, and cotton. However, you may be surprised to discover how many other materials can also be repurposed into promotional items that are all wonderful for our earth's environment! Did you know that tires could be reused? What about denim? Polyester? Or chipboard? Even out-of-use currency can be repurposed into promotional items that are not only ecofriendly but also incredibly effective for advertising your brand!

Recycled Newspaper Pencil Wheat fibre cup Corn Plastic promos

Post industrial materials, another popular green option, offer your brand an opportunity to take advantage of a distinct image. Strong, eye-catching, and modern, these eco-friendly promotional items fasten your business to the imagery of labor and craftsmanship. Post-industrial products are a wonderful way to connect your company to a certain imagery, movement, and lifestyle!

Sustainable coasters Post Consumer Recycled Promo Items Recycled Currency Pen

You may also be surprised to learn of the wonderful variety of environmentally conscious promotional options that we offer. We've all see the recycled binders, travel mugs, pens, and pencils. However, you don't have to sacrifice the unique brand you've created for your company in order to commit to our environment. iaspromotesshop.com stocks interesting ecofriendly ad specialty products such as business card holders, messenger bags, and planters. We even carry imprinted bookmarks created from old tires! These ecofriendly items are sure to attract notice at any tradeshow or expo, or ignite your next marketing campaign!

Recycled Tires Bookmark Recycled Cotton Messenger Bag Jute Tote

Creating new branding to revitalize your marketing initiative or introduce your company to the world does not mean that one must bring new materials into existence. Our natural resources are precious and limited. Let's reuse all we are able! Customers respond well to green ad campaigns and eco-friendly businesses. Be sure your marketing materials display your company's love for our planet!