Imprint Option: 1 Spot Color - Get 25 times the advertising with this adhesive notepad! Designed by a brand you trust, the Post-it® extra-large custom printed notepad features 25 sheets and the shape is cut from 4" x 5 3/4" notepad. Create impact for your brand using fun, memorable shapes - over 100 standard shapes available. If you don't find any that suits your needs, you can create your own! Stock art is also available at no extra charge for many shapes. Great for jotting phone messages, leaving memos, marking book pages and much more. This product is made in the USA. Post-it® is a registered trademark of 3M.
Additional details and options:
- Imprint Size:
- Ship Weight:21 lbs
- Spot Color Printing
Price Includes: per copy change
4-Color Printing
- Spot Color Choice
Exact Quantity Option
Exact Quantities
Paper Stock Options
Canary Yellow Recycled Paper:
Neon Lime Paper:
Neon Orange Paper:
Neon Pink Paper:
Sky Blue Recycled Paper:
Spring Green Recycled Paper:
Ultra Yellow Paper:
White Recycled Paper:
Note Shape Options
#13 Michigan, #130 Utah, #131 California, #132 Wyoming, #133 Alabama, #134 Rhode Island, #135 Maine, #136 New Hampshire, #138 Tennessee, #139 Kentucky, #140 Connecticut, #141 West Virginia, #142 Vermont, #143 South Carolina, #144 Montana, #145 Illinois, #1-47 Number, #147 Tennis Shoe, #148 Lips, #149 Fish, #150 Eye Dropper, #151 Droplet, #152 Blackjack Cards, #153 EcoBulbs, #154 Tractor, #156 Corn Ear, #157 Large Bubble, #158 Bus, #165 Paper Doll, #182 Slinky, #183 Bubble, #184 Bone, #186 Football, #193 Clouds, #194 Thumbs Up/Down, #42 Truck, #43 Arrow, #45 Hexagon, #48 Rectangle W/Round Corners, #49 Bread, #50 Rectangle w/Slant Corner, #51 Down Arrow, #52 U-Shape, #58 Shopping Cart, #59 Texas, #60 Georgia, #62 Car, #71 Iowa, #81 Minnesota, #82 Virginia, #83 Arizona, #84 New Jersey, #85 Nebraska, #86 Nevada
Custom Printed Backsheets Option
Custom Printed Multiple Backsheets, Custom Printed Single Backsheets