

Here's a tasty and unique idea for any occasion! Customize your milk or dark chocolate pieces with a variety of shapes with your photograph, logo, custom greeting or other image. Great for wedding favors, company parties, themed events and much more! Dimensions: Square- 2" x 2". Round- 1 2/3" dia. Rectangle: 3" x 1". Each individually wrapped candy is a new, creative, and delicious way to deliver your personalized message.

  • Material:
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Shape:


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 10002500500010000
Unit Price$1.75$1.65$1.51$1.41

Custom chocolate pieces. - PP-CCP-E

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1 3/4" x 5/8", 2 1/4" x 1 1/4", 2 1/4" x 5/8"
  • Ship Weight:11 lbs, When the temperature reaches 75 degrees F. we will ship your order in insulated containers with ice packs. The product will remain cool for 2 full days. Expedited shipping is required for locations beyond a 2 day ground ship zone. We will use eith
  • Pad Print

    List Price$40

    Price Includes: 1 color imprint only

    List Price$30

    Price Includes: 1 color imprint only

    List Price$90

    Price Includes: 1 color imprint only

  • Same printed messages on all cards

    List Price$2

    Same printed messages on all cards

Chocolate choice

Creamy milk chocolate, Dark chocolate

Other designs available.

2016, 2017, Airplane, Bathtub, Bear, Bed, Boot, Building, Bull, Caduceus, Canadian Flag, Car, Cell Phone, Cement mixer, Computer, Computer mouse, Cruise ship, Dollar sign, Dump truck, Easter Bunny, Easter Egg, Globe, Hammer, Happy Holidays, Hard hat, Heart, House, Key, Light bulb, Mortar & Pestle, Music note, Ornament, Puzzle piece, Saw, Scales of Justice, Screwdriver, Shoe, Shovel, Slot Machine, Snowflake, Snowman, Star, Telephone, Television, Thank You, Toilet, Tooth, Tractor, Truck, US Flag, Van, Wrench

Supplied cards insertion options

Supplied cards insertion with different messages.:

List Price$2

Supplied cards insertion with same message:

List Price$0.1

Mailers available

List Price$1.5

Inserted into bulk mailers, Shipped flat in bulk

Chocolate Mold

List Price$99

Mold Charge

Sizes available

1 2/3"", 2"" x 2"", 3"" x 1""