

Refrigerator thermometer. Monitors refrigerator temperature to prevent spoilage and maximum energy efficiency. Adhesive strip on back. USDA: important to verify that refrigerator temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below to reduce food borne illness. Educate the consumer on energy conservation with thermographic green products. Size: 2 1/8" W x 4" H x .020".

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Refrigerator thermometer. Monitors refrigerator temperature to stop food spoilage. - 108R

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1 7/16" x 3/4"
  • Ship Weight:9 lbs. per 1,000.
  • Printed

    List Price$25

    List Price$31.25

  • Additional Colors

    List Price$0.44$0.3$0.23$0.2$0.19

    Price Includes: Imprint charge

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Additional features include: Did you know - 77% of adults say they know how to handle food yet most don't know they have a one in four chance of contracting a food bourne illness, according to the Partnership for Food Safety 11-02-06 Press Release. Keeping a constant refrigerator temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of food bourne illness. Use an appliance thermometer to be sure the temperature is consistently 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below, according to the Partnership for Food Safety 7-15-07 Chili Rules.

Additional features include: Did you know - 77% of adults say they know how to handle food yet most don't know they have a one in four chance of contracting a food bourne illness according to the Partnership for Food Safety 11-02-06 Press Release. Keeping a constant refrigerator temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of food bourne illness. Use an appliance thermometer to be sure the temperature is consistently 40 degrees Fahrenheit or

Less Than Minimum

List Price$71.43

Price Includes: Absolute minimum is 100 pieces.

Less than minimum: absolute minimum is 100 pieces.