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Clients will know you take them seriously when you advertise on this Executive™ NoteBook! The small refillable item features rich, black bonded leather wraparound covers, and a 1-color foil or a blind deboss imprint. It has a business card slit inside the front cover and a black elastic pen loop at the back. The refillable hard cover inserted notebook comes standard with 100 sheets of lined paper and black wire (more colors are available). The Executive Notebook is individually packaged in a white Tuc Gift Box. They'll be as impressed with your promotional tool as they are with your business! Imported outer shell, filled and decorated in the USA.

  • Material: Leather
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 10 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Shape:
  • Price Includes: one-color foil or blind deboss imprint up ...


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2550100250500
Unit Price$23.04$22.60$22.21$20.76$20.34

5.5 x 8.5 Leather wraparound covers, foil imprint, business card pocket, refillable 100 sheet notebook & tuc gift box. - LEX-800CV

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:Up to 16 square inches
  • Ship Weight:27.15 lbs
  • Debossed

    List Price$60

    Price Includes: In Lieu of Foil imprint. If in addition, a run fee will be applied

    List Price$0.48$0.48$0.48$0.48$0.48

    Price Includes: Applied for 2nd color or deboss location. Setup fees still apply

    Foil Stamped

    List Price$60

    List Price$0.48$0.48$0.48$0.48$0.48

    Price Includes: Applied for 2nd color or deboss location. Setup fees still apply

Wire Binding Colors (Black is Standard)

Black Wire (Standard), Bronze, Pewter, White