

Made with real meat or fish, your cat will think these treats are irresistible. Every glass half pint jar includes 5 ounces of treats and an attached four color process square shaped magnet. The daily allowance for a 6-8 pound cat is 14-18 pieces, which allows you lots of opportunity to treat your kitty several times a day. Who says cats are aloof? You won't, after your kitty discovers you have these treats! During warmer weather perishable items can require special packaging and shipping transit times should be two days or less avoiding the weekends. Flavor is based on what is readily available in the marketplace.

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  • Normal Production Time: 5 business day(s)
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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2450100250
Unit Price$14.03$13.35$12.67$12.02

5 ounces of cat treats inside a glass half pint jar; includes a four color process imprinted, square-shaped magnet. - S110MJRHPCT

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:2" x 2"
  • Ship Weight:13 lbs
  • 4 Color

    List Price$50