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Looking for a promotional product to carry with you wherever you go? Made from 20 mil flexible white plastic, ideal for promoting any industry, project or event. Choose from 15 different stock graphic layout options or add your own custom imprint. Hand them out during tradeshows, conferences or networking sessions.

  • Material: 10 pt. paper board
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 5 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Shape:
  • Price Includes: One color - one side.


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 50010002500
Unit Price$0.70$0.49$0.40

Plastic wallet card - WC4022

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:
  • Ship Weight:
  • Offset

    List Price$25

    Price Includes: Per color, per side

  • Additional Location

    List Price$0.11$0.09$0.06$0.03$0.02

    Second Side

    Additional Colors

    List Price$0.11$0.09$0.06$0.03$0.02

    Each Additional Color Charge

    Artwork Services - Preparation

    List Price$50

    Artwork Preparation

    Optional PMS Color Match

    List Price$40

    PMS Color Match

Stock borders. Specify the color you'd like the border to be printed in.

1 wide 1 thin stripe with loose knot corner, 3 stripes with crown corner, 3 Stripes with inside mat of small stripes, Celestral/Falling stars, Checkered flag print, Cluster of long narrow leaves, Double outline, Flowers and leaves with zig-zag lattice, Greek key, Large baseballs, Large basketballs, Open fans, Paw prints, Pipes, Rod iron scroll, Rope, Roses, Round corner outline, Row of hockey pucks, Row of soccer balls, Square cornered outline, Stars, Stripe lines with square loop corner, Teeth with smiley faces, Thin lines between wider lines with square rosette corner, Waves with target center and flower at corner, Wavy lines, Wheat sprigs with flower

Stock layouts. Can be resized to fit the item you choose! Specify the color you'd like the layout to be printed in.

Horizonal - Emergency numbers police fire poision control in right hand upper corner with extra large imprint area at left upper corner and bottom half of card, Horizonal card with CPR Reference for adults children and infants, Large horizonal card with large bold heading "choking emergency" with 2 illustrations and 2 separate instructions in body and large imprint area at bottom, Large horizonal card with large bold heading "Important phone #'s", Large horizonal card with large bold heading "the heimlich nameuver" with 2 illustrations and 2 separate instructions in body and large imprint area at bottom, Large vertical card with bold emergency numbers heading with separate background 4 listed emergency numbers than 2 rows of lines for 10 more numbers, Vertical - 101 Ways to praise your child in bold letters at top then listed in body of card with imprint area at bottom, Vertical - 5 Emergency emblems with line for number imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Bold emergency numbers and 911 with emblems in rectangle strip down left side and 3 lines for emergency numbers and imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Heading - Frequently called numbers with Emergency 911 number 6 emblems with lines for numbers with large imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Imprint area at top and 4 colums of decimals and millimeters with fractions in squares, Vertical - Large imprint area at top emergency numbers in middle small imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Large imprint area in square at top 4 rectangle boxes for emergency numbers, Vertical - Large print emergency numbers heading at top in rectangle 5 emblems with lines and names for numbers large imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Large print excellent stress busters title with list of stress busters and large imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Spanish bold emergency number with emblems down left side in rectangle large 911 and 3 lines for numbers with imprint area at bottom, Vertical - Top half of card with heading in rectangle large print kitchen conversions with lists of conversions and large imprint area at bottom, Vertical with border - Emergency numbers with phone decorations at top emblems lines and names for numbers large imprint area at bottom

Stock backgrounds. Specify the color you'd like the background to be printed in. CMYK backgrounds require 3 additional color charges - Grayscale backgrounds can be printed in any one ink.

Black Marbled, Blue Clouds, Bricks, Clouds, Colored flame, Colored Marble, Dawn, Flame, Gray clouds, Gray Marble, Leather, Line wave pattern, Marble, Money, Shawdow dawn, Square, Weave, White and gray Clouds

Stock wallet card designs. Price includes back side printing with one of these stock layouts in one same color as front. Just specify style number and imprint color.

101 Ways to Praise Your Child

Conversion Tables

CPR Reference

Dates Anniversary and Birthstones/Flowers


Horizontal full year

Horizontal year

Kitchen Conversions

Monthly Payment Chart

The Abdominal Thrust

Tipping Chart

Vertical full year

Vertical full year with holidays on the bottom

Vertical full year with month names in the center

Vertical split year beginning with July