

Production Time: 3-5 business days - Give clients something they can show off around their friends like this round lip balm. It comes in several fantastic metallic colors, and features a vanilla flavor. This is perfect for a giveaway for tradeshows, hotels, spas, salons and any outdoor events. Clients will love taking this with them wherever they go. Add your company name or logo for maximum visibility. Gain some ground with new customers when you give this away.

  • Material:
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Price Includes: One color only


Need more? Enter your own quantity.

Production Time: 3-5 business Use color selection to view in other colors

Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 150500100025005000
Unit Price$1.55$1.48$1.45$1.39$1.36

Production Time: 3-5 business days - Round lip balm ball available in several metallic colors and in a vanilla flavor. - LB120-E

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1 1/2"" W x 1 1/2"" H
  • Ship Weight:13 lbs, When the temperature reaches 75 degrees F. we will ship your order in insulated containers with ice packs. The product will remain cool for 2 full days. Expedited shipping is required for locations beyond a 2 day ground ship zone. We will use eith
  • Printed

    List Price$50

    List Price$30

  • Same printed messages on all cards

    List Price$2

    Price Includes: Per Qty.

    Same printed messages