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This is an award the recipient will love showing off! The Sterling Fusion award sculpture and is a great way to recognize your clients and employees and show you appreciate their work or business, while also giving them a truly beautiful piece of art. This award is made of mirrored and satin stainless steel spins elegantly with a pyramid shaped base carrying your customizable message. The sculpture award is 4" x 7" x 2.5". Commemorate your clients hard work with this award and they will enjoy displaying it every day!

  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 3 business day(s)
  • Size:


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does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 1626
Unit Price$90.00$83.00$77.00

Award sculpture made of mirrored and satin stainless steel with pyramid shaped base - 9FT4905STXS

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:1.25" x 1.50"
  • Ship Weight:Standard shipping methods are UPS or FedEx. Special shipping methods and requests are subject to additional handling charges. All international shipments are subject to additional duties, taxes, and brokerage fees.
  • Etched

Box Insertion Fee

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List Price$0.5

Personalized Box:

List Price$1.5

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