

Our polypropylene covers are the perfect blend of durability, flexibility, and style, designed specifically for our disc-bound books. The flexibility of polypropylene allows easy use with disc-bound systems. The disc design lets you add or remove pages whenever you want, and you can even rearrange the discs for different color combinations to suit your mood, or your project. If you're looking for the ultimate custom notebook, the Disc-Bound Journal is a dream come true! Choose your disc colors, your cover color, and add your imprint. Cover: 9" W x 11.5" H / Guts: 8.5" W x 11" H.

  • Material: Polypropelene
  • Color:
  • Normal Production Time: 7 business day(s)
  • Size:
  • Price Includes: a screen print on the front cover.


Need more? Enter your own quantity.
Your Price
does not include shipping, setup charges
Quantity 2550100250500
Unit Price$22.25$19.77$17.80$16.18$14.83

These journals are available in two sizes, with interchangeable discs. - 3586-BWG-1C

Additional details and options:

  • Imprint Size:9" W x 11.5" H
  • Ship Weight:21 lbs
  • Unimprinted

    Spot Print

    List Price$45

  • Imprint options

    Tip-ins (up to four): Black & White:

    List Price$0.15

    Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.

    List Price$45

    Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.

    Tip-ins (up to four): Color:

    List Price$0.25

    Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.

    List Price$45

    Price Includes: per unique tip-in page.

    Your own page designs:

    List Price$45

    Price Includes: per unique page

    Additional Colors

    List Price$0.4

    List Price$45

    Additional imprint color

Journal Disc Colors

Black, Clear, Midnight, Olive, Translucent Black, Translucent Green, Translucent Lavender, Translucent Orange, Translucent Peach, Translucent Red, Translucent Royal, Translucent Yellow

Gut options

Blank guts:

Color guts:

List Price$3.81